Valuable Venture Capital lessons in times of crisis

During the first successful VEECEE Webinar, two battle hardened VC-experts...

VEECEE Fireside chat on hiring & firing

The VEECEE Community with Jos Schut, CHRO of Randstad, for a great fireside chat...

Crowdfunding as Opportunity for Venture Capital.

Guest Post from Matti van der Gronde - Oneplanetcrowd (@Matti_vd_Gronde)...

VC in Germany - By Numbers.

A guest post by Federico Wengi (@federicowengi) from Paua Ventures...

The 8 Characteristics of the Perfect Startup Team.  

Guest post from Bryan Ruiter - Golden Egg Check. You won’t be surprised that...

15 Things Not to Tell Your VC in 2016.

From the VEECEE Team (@VEECEECO) Year-end approaches quickly and that makes a...

Valuation Thoughts.

From Eli van Goudoever - Sanoma Ventures During last quiet summer period I...