The Never Ending Venture AdVenture.

From Pieter Welten - Prime Ventures (@pieterwelten) The perception is that...

The Tech IPO Outlook: Sloppy growth vs. Smart growth.

From Olivier Verhage - Kennet Partners (@OlivierVerhage) So why are tech...

The Force Awakens: Building on the Force Platform.

From Olivier Verhage - Kennet Partners (@olivierverhage) As an investor with a...

VC in Germany - By Numbers.

A guest post by Federico Wengi (@federicowengi) from Paua Ventures...

The 8 Characteristics of the Perfect Startup Team.  

Guest post from Bryan Ruiter - Golden Egg Check. You won’t be surprised that...

Up, Down or Flat – Which way is the VC Industry going in 2016?

From Mathijs de Wit - Newion Investments (@mathijsdewit) In Q1 2016 people have...

3 Psychological Pitfalls that make Entrepreneurs (and Investors) Weak When They Think They are being Strong.

From Jan Andriessen - henQ (@JanAndrssn) As an early stage VC I quite frequently...

Increased Competition: US VCs entering the European Tech Scene.

From Pieter Welten - Prime Ventures (@pieterwelten) Europe hasn’t produced...

Working efficiently: Why we don’t like NDAs and why you shouldn’t worry.

From Olivier Verhage - Kennet Partners (@olivierverhage) In the Valley, it has...

VEECEE’s international VC event on May 26 in Amsterdam

By Ilan Goudsmit – Endeit Capital (@ilangoudsmit) Over the past twenty-four...