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VC in Germany – By Numbers.

A guest post by Federico Wengi (@federicowengi) from Paua Ventures (@pauaventures). This is the first post of a series covering the German and European VC industry by numbers. We really like to invest in Germany and in particular in Berlin. In our 2 funds we invested in many German companies like Amorelie, Flaconi, Lesara, KIWI, Debitos, Flip4new,...

The 8 Characteristics of the Perfect Startup Team.  

Guest post from Bryan Ruiter - Golden Egg Check. You won’t be surprised that having a ‘strong team’ is an important factor for any startup. But what makes a strong team? In this post we’ll share our most important research findings with you. Golden Egg Check’s research suggests an ideal startup team is composed as follows: the startup...

Up, Down or Flat – Which way is the VC Industry going in 2016?

From Mathijs de Wit - Newion Investments (@mathijsdewit) In Q1 2016 people have massively speculated in all sorts of ways about the state of venture capital in Europe. As a logical result of the recent slowdown in tech funding and slowdown in amount of funds raised in the US. But, what exactly is the state of Venture Capital? Is it funds raised,...

3 Psychological Pitfalls that make Entrepreneurs (and Investors) Weak When They Think They are being Strong.

From Jan Andriessen - henQ (@JanAndrssn) As an early stage VC I quite frequently get exposed to entrepreneurs who have just experienced their first successes (e.g. a first VC funding round, the first €300k in recurring revenues, etc.). Often you can observe a certain sense of success and increase in confidence in an entrepreneur's behaviour after...

Increased Competition: US VCs entering the European Tech Scene.

From Pieter Welten - Prime Ventures (@pieterwelten) Europe hasn’t produced the equivalents of Google, Facebook and Apple yet. Whether this will happen in the short to medium term? I am not convinced, but there is no reason why the same can’t happen over here. I believe the European ecosystem is very well developed and can support such a...