From Olivier Verhage - Kennet Partners (@olivierverhage)
Over the past few months I spoke to quite some entrepreneurs who told me they are postponing their fundraising round and to focus on profitability instead. And yes, I think this is a good thing. As an entrepreneur you might wonder what my role would be if our prospects don’t need the funds...
From Jan Andriessen - henQ (@janandrssn)
Most people in finance know that capital markets are cyclical and that investors deviate from rational investment decision making principles from time to time. As pointed out over and over again by value investors such as Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, as well as seasoned venture capitalists, the...
From Pieter Welten - Prime Ventures (@pieterwelten)
With barriers to entry various industries at an all-time low, we see tens of thousands of start-ups rapidly emerging all around the world every year. I think technology entrepreneurship is a great global phenomenon and there has never been a better time to become a (tech) entrepreneur. The vast...
From Olivier Verhage - Kennet Partners (@olivierverhage)
As revenue growth is one of the dominant forces in tech investing, it’s worth looking at how growth translates into pricing. For example, a company that will do €5M of revenue this year and €15M next year might deserve a rich valuation, let's say €45M. Investors in this case are...
From Mathijs de Wit – Newion Investments @mathijsdewit)
The financial side of a VC investment has many different aspects. The basics however go by a pretty clear structure. Being able to get the basics right, makes the investment case story easy and understandable. Use this proposed structure to test yourself on your investment case story and...